Superfluid models of neutron stars

The possibility that matter constituting neutron stars could be superfluid and superconducting was raised a long time ago before the discovery of pulsars by Jocelyn Bell and Anthony Hewish in 1967. Later, this prediction seemed to be confirmed by the observation of the long relaxation time, on the order of months, following the first frequency glitch in the Vela pulsar.

What kinds of superfluid can be found in neutron stars?

Apart from a proton superconductor similar to conventional electron superconductors, two different kinds of neutron superfluids are expected to be found in the interior of a neutron star. In the crust and in the outer core, neutrons are expected to form an isotropic superfluid like helium-4, while in denser regions they are expected to form a more exotic kind of (anisotropic) superfluid with each member of a pair having parallel spins, as in superfluid helium-3. The central core of neutron stars might contain various species like hyperons or even deconfined quarks which could also be superfluid.

What does superfluidity mean?

One of the striking consequences of superfluidity is the allowance for several distinct dynamic components. In 1938, Tisza introduced a two-fluid model in order to explain the properties of the newly discovered superfluid phase of liquid helium-4, which behaves either like a fluid with no viscosity in some experiments or like a classical fluid in other experiments. Guided by the Fritz Londonā€™s idea that superfluidity is intimately related to Boseā€“Einstein condensation (which is now widely accepted), Tisza proposed that liquid helium is a mixture of two components, a superfluid component, which has no viscosity, and a normal component, which is viscous and conducts heat. These two fluids are allowed to flow with different velocities. This two-fluid model has been very successful in explaining many properties of superfluid helium. The situation gets more complicated in superfluid mixtures, like mixtures of helium-3 and helium-4. The two superfluids can flow without resistance but due to the interactions between the two kinds of atoms, the two superfluids can exchange momentum. The end result is that the momentum and the velocity of each superfluid are not aligned. This effect is known as mutual entrainment.

What does superfluidity imply for neutron stars?

A few years after the seminal work of Andreev & Bashkin on superfluid mixtures of helium-3 and helium-4, it was realized that entrainment effects could play an important role in the dynamic evolution of neutron stars. In particular, these effects are very important for studying the oscillations of superfluid neutron star cores. Mutual entrainment not only affects the frequencies of the modes but, more surprisingly, (remembering that entrainment is a nondissipative effect) also affects their damping. The simplest model of cold superfluid neutron star cores is to consider two components: a neutron superfluid and a plasma of charged particles. This model is described in the following paper:

Chamel, MNRAS 388 (2008), 737-752. PDF

We have also developed a model of neutron-star crusts with superfluid neutrons:

Carter, Chamel and Haensel, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 15 (2006), 777-803. PDF

How strong are entrainment effects in neutron stars?

We have calculated the mutual entrainment parameters both in the core

Chamel and Haensel, Phys. Rev. C73 (2006),045802. PDF

in the pasta mantle

Carter, Chamel and Haensel, Nucl. Phys.A748 (2005),675-697. PDF

Carter, Chamel and Haensel, Nucl. Phys.A759 (2005),441-464. PDF

and in the inner crust of neutron stars

Chamel, Nucl. Phys.A747 (2005),109-128. PDF

Chamel, Nucl. Phys.A773 (2006),263-278. PDF

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