Curriculum Vitae

1989 Bachelor in Physics & Magistère de Physique, Grenoble University
1990 Master in Physics & Magistère de Physique, Grenoble University
1991 Advanced Studies in Astrophysics, DEA Paris VII
1993-96 PhD Thesis at LAOG, Grenoble University, supervisor C. Bertout & M. Forestini
1996 Doctor in Astrophysics, University Paris VII
Evolution of young stars - Physics and modelling of accretion

Then it gets chaotic, so follow the signs

1997 1998


Space Telescope Science Institute Baltimore, USA Lavoisier Fellow (French Ministry of Foreign Affairs)



Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l'Observatoire de Grenoble Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, FRANCE Lecturer

1999- 2000


Groupe de Recherche en Astronomie et Astrophysique du Languedoc Université Montpellier II, FRANCE Lecturer

2000 Jul-Nov


Space Telescope Science Institute Baltimore, USA Academic visitor (5 months)

Dec 2000 Mar 2001


Center for Stellar and Planetary Astrophysics Monash University, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA Academic visitor (4 months)

since April 2001


Institut d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique Université Libre de Bruxelles where I was successively Marie Curie Fellow and FNRS researcher worker before obtaining a tenure position as FNRS research associate in 2005


Thèse d'Habilitation à diriger des Recherches (HRD), Grenoble University


Prix Pol and Christiane Swings (for the period 2001-2004) from the Royal Academy of Science, Humanities and Fine Arts of Belgium. Prize intended to honour a researcher every four years who is particularly distinguished in the field of astrophysics. The prize is awarded alternatively to a foreigner and to a Belgian.


Sabbatical, Monash University, Melbourne (5 months)

2012 Jun-Jul

2017 May-Jul


Max Planck institute for Astrophysics Garching, Germany Guest visitor
(2 and 3 months respectively)